Release Notes for BPTrakr

Release Date: 2023-04-06

General Improvements

Added Import / Export Data Feature to Data Screen

  • Added an import/export data button to the Data Screen. This new feature allows the user to import data, via a comma-separated values (CSV) file, created by other blood pressure apps or spreadsheet software.  It will also export data in CSV file format. The import/export data attribute is available in both the Pro Edition and the Free Edition of BPTrakr.
Data screen showing new Import/Export Data button.

Added Contextual Help Button to the Data Screen

  • This new feature gives the user quick access to online help documents specifically related to the Data Screen on how to Add, Edit, Delete, Move, Import, or Export Blood Pressure Readings.
Data screen showing new Contextual Help button.

Help Documents

Added document: Importing and Exporting Data

  • Added document Importing and Exporting Data, which can be accessed by clicking on the  icon or pressing the F1 key for Contextual Help while the Import/Export Data window is in focus.

Bug Fixes

AM vs PM Measurement Comparison Graph overlap on the BPTrakr report

  • Increased height of the canvas of the AM vs PM Measurement Comparison Graph on the BPTrakr report to prevent overlap from subsequent graphics on the report.

Data table broken on the BPTrakr report

  • If the Data Table continued onto additional pages on the BPTrakr report, the table appeared to be broken.

API Changes

App Update API

  • Moved the app update API from the database to the BPTrakr API file

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