Submit Feedback for the BPTrakr App

Any feedback that you can provide to us about the BPTrakr app , whether it be positive or negative, is very valuable to us because it helps us improve our product and create a better experience for you, our customer. The following two (2) in-app forms are available to submit feedback for the BPTrakr app:

Submit a Rating and Review

Submit a rating for the BPTrakr app with an option to provide comments or suggestions. This form is available from within the BPTrakr app. For details on accessing and using this form see Submit Feedback – App Review.

Report an Issue

If you encounter a bug or a issue with the BPTrakr app, please report it to us so that we can quickly correct the problem. This form is available from within the BPTrakr app. For details on accessing and using this form see Submit Feedback – Report an Issue.